But there is more, much more we can do with Time. There is much more we can understand about this insubstantial staple of life. One of the key elements in my current understanding of Time is that it clusters into Moments.
These Moments occur in a variety of shapes and sizes and contain varying degrees of experience. A Moment could be of any length. I have seen a culmination of events last for months. I have witnessed the sustained completion of a dream go on for weeks and years.
I have likewise seen a minute become the repository for years of work and dreaming. And I have seen those most compelling seconds and microseconds in which all of life is contained comfortably, when the true meaning of Life becomes apparent and no limitations or subdivisions exist.
Moments! In my experience with God there is an Eternal Moment. Biblically it is called Eternal Life. It has no limitations in any direction. From the point-of-view afforded by this condition, possibilities and potentialities and opportunities and dreams and wonders emerge in a rich, never-ending stream. Yet many people fear that time and place and condition - the Forever in each Moment.
On a practical, day-to-day level, an awareness of these Moments, and an acknowledgment of them, permits many things. One important result is an ever-deepening appreciation of the richness of life. We are permitted to enjoy life with increasing depth, intensity and consistency.
This condition is like a rich garden in which we are free to pluck the fruit of the tree of life, to eat, and to be satisfied. [I write this realizing that many people do not consciously seek satisfaction.] It is like a view from a high tower on a hill, with a panorama laid out at our feet in all directions - Perspective.
It has an element of comfort like reclining after a perfect meal, not too full, but with no remnant of hunger.
Of course I would recommend this Eternal Life to anyone and everyone. However, realizing that many people are uncomfortable with this topic I will discuss other issues associated with Time.
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